What is Aluminum?

Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust and constitutes 7.3% by mass. In nature however it only exists in very stable combinations with other materials (particularly as silicates and oxides) and it was not That Until 1808 its existence was first established. It stores many years of painstaking research to "unlock" the metal from its ore and many more to Produce a viable, commercial production process
mineral ore
The main ore minerals of aluminum is bauxite
TERMS bauxite
It is a rock (sediment) ore of aluminum, as aluminum oxide mineral hidroksid consist of gibbsite Al (OH) 2, bohmite Alo (OH), and diaspore Alo (OH
Ganesh bauxite formed when silica in the rocks that contain aluminum terlindikan by weathering processes that occur in tropical and subtropical climates.
The presence of bauxite deposits is controlled by source rocks, ie rocks containing high aluminum, such as granite.Therefore, in the exploration of iron sand deposits, it must be understood distribution of these rocks

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